GreenMet Joins Global Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA)

The GreenMet team has a few core beliefs. We believe that Rare Earth Elements are essential to a renewable energy future. We believe that America needs a secure supply of this critical component, which is vital to everything from batteries and solar panels to fighter jets and drones. We believe that a sustainable supply of these minerals is not only attainable, but necessary.

These principles are why GreenMet has joined the Global Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA). As part of REIA, we will play an active role in the conversation on rare earth mineral supply chains. We will provide a key North American perspective on market finance and energy policy to REIA.

REIA is an international non-profit organization representing the global Rare Earth Element (REE) industry with stakeholders including companies, government bodies, and research institutions. We are joining REIA at a key time for the industry.

The overwhelming demand for rare earth minerals is leading to critical shortages. Green technology alone is projected to increase global demand for rare earths by 400 to 600% over the coming decades, with demand for minerals used in electric vehicle (EV) batteries rising by more than 4,000%.

REIA’s worldwide members represent all major countries, placing them within a global context to contribute to a better understanding of REE value chain. We look forward to working with REIA to continue developing a sustainable and cohesive supply chain for REEs in North America.

GreenMet CEO Drew Horn recently participated in the virtual Global Rare Earths Summit 2022 on a panel, ‘Financing the Mining and Refining of Rare Earths’ and spoke to GreenMet’s work with allied partners as we domesticize critical mineral production and processing in the U.S.

Read more about the conference here: .

Learn more about REIA here: